


FERATUM LIFE - Team of experienced professionals
and Your reliable partner in the field of physical security and safety.

About us

Reliable Security Agency

FERATUM LIFE - Your reliable partner in ensuring security. We provide security and safety services based on our many years of experience and helping our employees. We provide an individual approach to each client, taking into account his wishes and work within the framework of current legislation. Everyone wants to be sure of the safety of their lives and property, therefore the services of security organizations are especially in demand in the modern world. FERATUM LIFE guarantees you not only reliability, safety and confidence in the future, but also complete confidentiality.

Our team consists of experienced specialists who are ready to provide safety and protection in any situation. Our security guards have good physical and psychological training, knowledge of the regulatory framework and the ability to think outside the box in an emergency situation

Event Security
Physical Security
Our Services

Security Services We Provide

Professional security services provide reliable protection of your life and property from emergencies and malicious intent. We take care of our clients and effectively protect the entrusted objects. We analyze risks every day and prevent critical situations from occurring.

Whatever tasks we face - public or private areas, animate or inanimate objects, we realize how important our work is.

Event Security

Security for public events is a whole range of services, each of which is important. This includes organizing patrols and security points, monitoring participants and their cars at the entrance, monitoring the situation throughout the entire event, and preventing crowds or panic.

Security at public events should be all-seeing, unobtrusive, effective, and at the same time as sensitive and respectful as possible. A high level of security is achieved by a set of measures, including: physical security, technical security measures, organizational and administrative measures.

Security of mass events is classified as particularly complex; in addition, each type of event has its own specifics and requires a special approach to organizing security. To ensure the safety of such events, a systematic approach, clear coordination of actions, attentiveness, vigilance, and readiness at any moment to protect guests and participants from inappropriate behavior and criminal attacks by hooligans and intruders are required.

As a rule, large numbers of people (participants, guests, visitors) gather for mass events, sometimes fueled by alcohol, which increases the risk of emergency situations. Cultural and sporting events may be accompanied by clashes between fans and admirers of various pop or sports stars. An unorganized crowd of people is susceptible to panic or, conversely, aggressive moods, which can also lead to riots, crushes, injuries, destruction or damage to property. A large crowd of people attracts small and large crime like a magnet: thieves, criminals, extremists, etc. Any even minor incident at a large-scale event is fraught with extremely negative consequences, huge public outcry, and negative media coverage. Therefore, clear organization of security for public events is extremely important for organizers, participants, and guests.

To implement security measures for a mass event, it is better to turn to professionals. Professional security can minimize the likelihood of sabotage, provocations, hooliganism, and other illegal actions that could interfere with the event and cause harm to participants and guests. Experienced security guards can quickly localize a conflict, avoid panic, isolate the instigators, remove offenders from the event area and hand them over to law enforcement agencies.

In order to determine effective security tactics, our company’s specialists pre-inspect the venue for vulnerabilities and potential threats. When choosing methods and means of protection, the following are taken into account: the format of the event; location, dimensional and design features of the object; crime situation in the area; time of the event; number of participants and guests; availability of adjacent territory and car parking; technical equipment of the facility.

When protecting public events, we solve the following tasks:

- Development of the Security Concept for the event.

- Coordination of security actions with the organizers and with the personal security of participants.

- Equipping the venue with technical safety equipment.

- Preliminary cleaning of the security facility before the start of the event.

- Coordination of the flow of visitors.

- Ensuring access control, dress code and face control.

- Prevention of carrying prohibited items (weapons, ammunition, explosives and flammable substances, alcohol, drugs, etc.).

- Patrolling the event area and surrounding area.

- Restriction of access to the most important areas (stage, sports field, utility rooms), to organizers, artists, athletes.

- Ensuring public order.

- Protecting the life and health of citizens from illegal attacks.

- Ensuring the safety of personal belongings of visitors and property of the organizers.

- Identification and suppression of possible conflicts.

- Taking active measures against offenders, detaining them and transferring them to law enforcement agencies.

- Checking the area after the event (cleaning up).

- Fire, anti-terrorism and anti-crime measures.

- Organization of interaction with the rapid response group and the police.

Physical Security

Physical security is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safe operation of a facility, the safety of its material property, and protecting the life and health of its personnel.

We provide all types of complex physical security services for the facility. You can trust us with security:

- Houses, cottages. 

- Territories where construction is underway. 

- Commercial and private properties. 

- Land. 

- Warehouses and retail facilities. 

- Financial institutions. 

- Offices.

Physical security is one of the most effective ways to ensure the security of a facility. Although modern technical security systems are considered more reliable, they are inferior to humans. Only he is capable of thinking analytically, making non-standard decisions, diverting attention to himself and acting even before the crime is committed.

Physical security is a set of organizational measures, engineering and technical means and actions of security personnel in order to ensure the safe operation of the facility, the safety of its property, and the protection of the life and health of its personnel. Physical security implies the direct presence of security company employees on the territory of the facility.

Despite the appearance on the market of numerous technical security equipment, as well as the active development of remote security, physical security remains a highly effective and sometimes irreplaceable security tool that solves the following main groups of tasks:

- Implementation of access control regime; 

- Inspection of vehicles; 

- Ensuring the protection of inventory and cash, equipment and special vehicles; 

- Patrolling the facility and surrounding area; 

- Monitoring of the video surveillance system; 

- Protection of life and health of personnel; 

- Taking primary measures to eliminate technical accidents and fires; 

- Ensuring order and requirements of the internal regime; 

- Protecting public order at the site; 

- Escort of cargo, cash and securities;

Many years of experience and a unique material and technical base allow us to provide a full range of physical security services at the highest level, often exceeding industry standards. For each client, our specialists develop an individual security solution in accordance with the assigned tasks and the specifics of the facility.

To build an effective concept for the provision of security services and its further implementation, it is important to take into account the features characteristic of the facility whose protection will be provided. The physical security scheme is determined by the client’s wishes, the situation at the facility being guarded, corporate ethics and other factors. To implement this, a scheme is being developed for round-the-clock monitoring of the work of security guards, which is necessary to ensure high quality security of facilities. Each physical security officer is carefully selected, has excellent training and is provided with appropriate equipment. All security personnel, in agreement with management, are instructed in case of an emergency. The choice of appearance of security officers can be determined by the wishes of the client and be based on the corporate style and image of the company, corporate ethics, etc.

It is worth choosing private security companies carefully, since you are placing your security in their hands. Our security organization cares about its clients, while valuing its reputation. We provide high-quality security services for various objects, for all types of security. Being under our protection, you can be absolutely calm for yourself and your employees, as well as for the safety of your property.

Expert Consulting

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Bodyguard Service

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Our Advantages

Why Choose Us

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Visible security deters crime and unauthorized activity

Risk Assessment

We identify vulnerabilities and devise risk mitigation strategies

Custom Security Plans

Tailored services create event-specific security plans

Crisis Management

Trained personnel handle crises, minimizing impact

24/7 Protection

We offer continuous protection for property and personnel

Legal Compliance

We ensure security comply with local laws

Customer Service

Personnel provide positive presence while maintaining security

Emergency Response

Trained personnel respond swiftly to emergencies

Access Control

Security controls access, maintaining a secure environment

Keep In Touch With Us

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Safety Advice with Feratum Life: Different Security Solutions

Safety Advice with Feratum Life: Different Security Solutions

Feratum Life is offered by top-class professionals who provide physical security and safety of various objects at public events, as well as provide bodyguard services. In this post, we'll look at when safety advice may be needed and how Feratum Life can be a valuable partner to achieve the best security solution for you.
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Konsultācijas Drošības Jautājumos

Advantages of Physical Security: Why Choose Feratum Life Solutions?

Feratum Life offers top-class professionals who provide physical security and security for various facilities at public events, as well as providing bodyguard services. In this post, we'll look at when you might need security advice and how Feratum Life can be a valuable partner in finding the best security solution for you.
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How to Determine the Required Number of Security Guards at a Public Event?

How to Determine the Required Number of Security Guards at a Public Event?

Feratum Life specializes in physical security solutions and provides security in various facilities and public events. In this article, we will look at the most important criteria and factors that must be taken into account to determine the required number of security guards at a public event.
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What Clients Says

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CEO / Eventy
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CEO / Eventy
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